Train of Thought - 10 Shot Sequence Project (Fall 2023)
Programs used: Digital Camera, Zoom Recorder, and Adobe Premiere
This was another video project I did for my Film and Video Production class at George Mason University (Fall 2023). For this one, we were supposed to make a short film that utilizes only ten shots. In my video, I had my younger sister, Bridget, draw in her sketchbook until she was interrupted by a call on her phone. This main plot is intercut with footage of a model train running along a track, symbolizing her train of thought (hence the title of the project). Of course, the train crashes towards the end to show that she has lost her focus.
A Walk to Lunch - Image and Sound Project (Fall 2023)
Programs used: Phone Camera, Zoom Recorder, and Adobe Premiere
This was my first video project I did for my Film and Video Production class at George Mason University (Fall 2023). We were supposed to create a short that utilized only still images and sound we recorded. My short is told from a first person perspective as I go on a walk to McDonald's for lunch. Most of the sound was recorded myself using a Zoom Recorder, though I also used at least a few audio tracks from the Mason Sound Library for additional background noise (which was allowed for the project, so long as you still used mostly original sound recordings).
Intervention - 2D Animation Project (Fall 2022)
Programs used: Adobe After Effects
This was an editing exercise we did in my 2D Animation class at George Mason University (Fall 2022). We were just starting to use Adobe After Effects and the professor wanted to test our skills in video editing before we began using the software for actual animations. To do so, we were each provided an audio track and told to create a short teaser trailer around it using royalty-free stock footage we sourced from online. My short is a spy/espionage thriller entitled Intervention and centers around agents in a train station. This trailer was an opportunity for me to experiment with syncing video and sound together into a finished product; a task which I would be frequently challenged with in future animated projects.
*All stock footage used in this video was sourced from Pexels and belongs to their respective creators/owners. No copyright infringement is intended.